Message from @BayAryan
Discord ID: 287817974952361985
>Hitler floating on a comfy cloud
Hitler - 6,000,000
Stalin - 0
political compass
shieldbro is my hero
same tbh
Evening friends
Guten Abend
Other than the military and culture of Fascism, I support it
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe can you vc?
Stickman is just like this
not now but a bit later
Sucks i missed berkeley today. Was at work:(
@Fokma(Bonjour) How've you been?
jfc @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe we have more unvetted people than vetted
one sec watching ufc 209
We need extensive vetting!
Extreme vetting
vet me first
i'm a good hombre
sure @John - AZ since you're from my homestate
Any other bay areans out and about? I want to help stave off antifa scum at next rally.
If you want to be vetted, join the voice chat.
Im sure the negroes near me im the bart car would love our convo!
@John - AZ give me a minute to set up
Ya let me get out at my stop. I got Bluetooth setup.
Just looked at the physical requirements
Nope the fuck out
i want antifa to be purged