Message from @Daniel van Straaten
Discord ID: 481120089140232192
Except weather
Our weather is perfect: not too hot, not too cold. Misty.
Love it.
@Willem Petzer have you tried getting in touch with Caolan Robertson? Maybe he could be a middle man and get you in touch with her?
I suppose good weather for the brain but vitamin D deficiency is a problem which could be caused by lack of sunlight
Exodus 20:11 Want in ses dae het die HERE die hemel en die aarde gemaak, die see en alles wat daarin is, en op die sewende dag het Hy gerus. Daarom het die HERE die sabbatdag geseën en dit geheilig.
Mattheus 19:4 En Hy antwoord hulle en sê: Het julle nie gelees dat Hy wat hulle gemaak het, hulle van die begin af man en vrou gemaak het nie, -- van die begin, nie van dermiljoene jare na die begin
Johannes 4:10 Jesus antwoord en sê vir haar: As jy die gawe van God geken het en geweet het wie Hy is wat vir jou sê: Gee vir My water om te drink, sou jy Hom gevra het en Hy sou vir jou lewende water gegee het.
1 Petrus 3:21 waarvan die teëbeeld, die doop, ons nou ook red, nie as ’n aflegging van die vuilheid van die vlees nie, maar as ’n bede tot God om ’n goeie gewete — deur die opstanding van Jesus Christus
@Daniel van Straaten No we have perfect amount of 🌞 👍
Yes but then you have to evolve into some kind of deep sea creature with transparent skin.
Nope it's all good. Scotland rocks 😎
Gap theory is wrong. Six regular days
Hey arminius
@Arm where's the link?
@theeChristopher in general
To the guys in the chat, do you speak the same language as your workers?
@theeChristopher Is it telepathy?? 🤔
@Malcolm the Seceder what I was getting at is, almost all "left" white people in SA say, but my employees will never turn on me.
a very common thing is as follows. "someone is stealing our sugar and tea".... have you considered the cleaner? "No! she will never do such a thing she is always so kind and friendly"
Hello @RaRi ! Hier is hy!
I tried very hard to find out why Jub was banned by going through a shit load of messages but no one seems to say what happened.... im in voice chat if someone wants to give me a rundown
@Conscious Caracal 🙌 Would you mind quickly giving a rundown on what jub did to get banned. I really tried searching through messages but found nothing. Im in the voice channel
Ask the chat to explain, they know better haha