Message from @Deejay from Earth
Discord ID: 477648003365208076
THAT model. No textures and bullshit.
I don't even know why you are so anal about this, I'm doing nothing that you can't do yourself if you don't like what i manage, but this anyways just a fun project, taking the challenge to see if it's possible to replicate the photo you produced with a globe, it's valid so far.
@Sheamus You don't get to decide what's valid - jy het nie die pitte nie my seun.
Yeah that's the model he exported lol, i textured it because i wanted to try match the photo lol you throw a tantrum over this, why?
@Sheamus Stop spewing bullshit at me YOU LIAR
@Deejay from Earth you need a safe space
And get this "CHRISTIAN"
this is you @Deejay from Earth
@Sheamus Do you have any snake-oil for sale?
Lol told you I'm still busy with the project, you can be patient, all in due time a nice complete presentation will be done with video and all.
Will start off presenting the measurements and the tools used to produce the project, all models used in project will be made available to download with the project file too.
Then wil start with the presentation, starting with a view in space so you can see the globe, and then camera will navigate towards the globe earth right up to the plane and rest at that location with the view out towards the side, all measurements will be shown. Then second video will be the balloon starting on ground level and then rising up as high as the highest recorded balloon, and record the journey up.
@Deejay from Earth if you stand on the west coats of Ireland and look towards Washington you wont see it because its on the other side of the globe! moron
@Sheamus You had the model yesterday? Now what's happened to it? Magic pixies formatted your hard drive?
ad hominem isn't an argument
No, I'm not done with the project. Be patient, you will get the whole project once a presentation is out.
actually making effort to prove something takes time, not just 4 hours of flat earth videos on YouTube
There is no project here. Open your CAD model and take a screenshot.
scroll up
where is your evidence Deejay?
"No I couldn't take a screenshot because Gravity was too strong today"
solid argument @Deejay from Earth