Message from @Deejay from Earth
Discord ID: 477659906602696704
We aren't even debating lol, you are throwing a tantrum and I'm just curious as to why.
Can anyone here that I've met personally vouch for Shaemus?
I showed my face at the afrikaans channel launch - so at least people know I'm real
Yeah that's my picture in the screenshot, and this is my name.. It's aa close as you will get to knowing my real identity, because i don't go giving my personal details out to crazy people.
Seriously though, calm down. You going to get a heart attack at this rate over a screenshot of a visual representation.
@Sheamus #DumbShit
Your logical fallacies have no power over me lol
@Sheamus And your Low IQ has no power over me. #DumbShit
Lol why bring IQ into this? It's not a competition, it's just me doing an experiment. Thought you always prove everything? So I'm busy doing an experiment with measurements to create a visual representation of what you wanted, now you reject it because it doesn't suit your beliefs? And again, so the software being used is absolutely free, and easy to use, even you could use it and see for yourself.
Lol why bring IQ into this? It's not a competition, it's just me doing an experiment.NO IT'S YOU LYING AND FABRICATING YOUR EXPERIMENT
Where am i lying, point out the lie and the fabrication
And again, so the software being used is absolutely free, and easy to use, even you could use it and see for yourself.
I dunno what your forensics are going to help in a game engine compared to a photo honestly... But that said, looking at the video posted, i looked for the scale comparison of the aircraft with the planet and that planet is waaay too small. Might be why you have the wrong impression
Ja hou aan lieg jou vark.
But you know, easiest way to disprove me would be to do the same experiment using the same measurements
@Sheamus Jy het die IK van 'n mat-miet.
I don't think you do, because you really could just replicate the same experiment and prove me wrong with your own proof. I'm at least making an effort to see for myself, you are just sitting there committing logical fallacies with all those ad hominems
Lyk die shit vir julle normaal mense?
You can call me names all you want, it really means nothing to me, but it does show everyone how emotionally unstable you are.
Het julle al ooit sulke kak gesien? Wie reageer so?
Ek het hierdie spul goed uitgevang gister.
Al wat hulle moes doen is om 'n view in AutoCAD te re-create.
Die gesprek was oor waar die horison moet wees.
Lol I'll continue working on my project and posting updates as i make progress. Will replicate that photo at 900ft on a globe.
Gedurende die gesprek kom een van die poepol-squad op die CAD model.
Toe vra ek hulle moet daai foto van die Cessna (my buddy is die pilot), re-create in hulle CAD model wat hulle sopas gemaak het.
And we did
Al wat moes gebeur, hulle moes net inzoom op die model na 900 voet bo seevlak, die view level, en 'n screnshot neem.
Dit het hulle 12 ure gevat.
Dit is alles photoshop kak jy kan dit self gaan verify.
4 hours really, and it's still rough around the edges, but enough to get you near a heart attack lol
It's not photo shop, it's rendered in game, within a game engine.
@Sheamus and your game proves it's a screenshot in a game you dumb shit