Message from @crazyBoer
Discord ID: 468708855497621504
Hallo almal
Ek dink dis maar net ek hieso.
Hoe so, die res werk seker...
Jaa ek gaan more weer klas toe.
Will jy dalk die general chat join.
Ek probeer myself nog orienteer, wat is die general chat...
Dit is aan die linker kant van die screen. jy kan dan met jou stem praat.
Ok, ons kan , sal loer hoe dit werk...
@crazyBoer ek probeer dit vind...π
Middle linker kand van die screen.
He afrikanse broeders
join the general chat.
Daar zit ik in toch
Oh wacht de spraak chat gaat niet want ik ben aan het werk
Go check **Willem Petzer Live Chat**'s leaderboard here <:WINK6:403540173566115840>
The two party system just about works in US because the people have a lot of input into who the actual candidates are and because they are of European descent. In Britain our system was excellent and it had not much to do with the franchise either. It was in our character. We are suffering now because our system has been hijacked by the globalists and we, as a people, have become so degraded.
Hello Malcolm, glad to have you on the chat.
Ditsem! @crazyBoer, you just advanced to level 3!
I think the only selution for south africa is a federal/confederal system
We do have 9 provinces though.
giving each province a lot of autonomie and maby pushing for more homogenous provinces so each province is more stable
This isn't funny.
This is straight up fucking treason.
I truly hope for the well being of the man who wrote this declaration that the government does not take this seriously.
This will have a very sad ending, I'm afraid...
I would honestly not mind an independent cape.
@Conscious Caracal It will, yeah, I hope they're just ignored, instead of out right arrested.
That's why I don't go out of my way to bring attention to this.
Won't do them good.
You're right, mate.
It's a novelty idea and I find the initiative incredibly amusing, but people pooling all their hopes into this event are setting themselves up for further disappointment.
Ernst Roets will be blamed for this
@Magic 8 Bot Will the Cape secede?