Message from @DarkAlec
Discord ID: 468764527551315969
Aangename kennis @Arnoldsly99, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
At the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, Tsar Nicholas wrote to his sister, "I am wholly pre-occupied with the war between England and the Transvaal (Boer Republic). Every day I read the news in the British newspapers from the first to the last line.... I cannot conceal my joy at Boer success."
Based Nicki
Aangename kennis @ester, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
If you haven't watched this yet, grab a coffee/beer, it's rough, but mandatory viewing.
Aangename kennis @Magic Bollox, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
Very interesting documentary...
hallo all
sorry no mic...and new to the politics
Ffs I wonder why they can't just leave Orania alone, they not bothering anybody...
just another white town success that have to be burned down....they want to wipe out everything that the whites build and wipe out white history
that video will give you a very good idea about the truth about apartheid...
Will watch this later...
Aangename kennis @Deejay from Earth, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
Hello daar julle, thanks.
Aangename kennis @DrLoLCat, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
Ditsem! @Klipkop (Clip-Cop), you just advanced to level 2!
klaar besig om hier te gebeur...hul koop orals grond op en bou hulle tempels
Energy Minister Jeff Radebe has welcomed the commitment by the Saudi Arabian government to invest more than R130 billion in the South African economy. The undertaking was made on Thursday while President Cyril Ramaphosa (right) is in Jeddah on a state visit. Picture: Qaanitah Hunter/EWN
dink dis tyd dat al die wit mense en coloureds saam staan en FF+ stem...ons steme is te verspreid oor al die ander bly ons in die kak