Message from @HoppeanSnake_ZA
Discord ID: 469862706812551178
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@Conscious Caracal @Daniebees @Rational Gent Join radio-kakpraat
@Rational Gent Are you online???
For some reason I can't talk
@HoppeanSnake_ZA Keep to appropriate channel for <#468415663925624852> please
My bad
Aangename kennis @Ride The Tiger, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
Lol you can’t be serious
Congratulations, we're all dogs. Woof.
"An AfriForum leader pleads at the expropriation hearings for the dehumanizing of minorities to stop. An ANC supporter responds by calling him an animal."
I get it though, makes sense, much easier to kill or hurt a dog than a man, they're normalizing this now.
Feels like we're going through stages.
@crazyBoer a jpg for ants.
sorry let me find a bigger pic
Aangename kennis @Moabeeb, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** 👨🏼🌾🎙️
"I'm up to 8 steel reserve tall boys a day now"
The fkn comments on this beer, LOL
Steel Reserve is an intoxicationg liquid customarily found in 22 oz cans and in the value-packed 40 oz glass bottles. Now, normally I'd be compelled to use the word "beer", but that's not going to cut the mustard. This is a HIGH GRAVITY LAGER. That's what they say. After drinking this, you'll feel like someone increased the Earth's gravity field by 70%. Don't get me wrong, it's hands down the best bang for your drinking dollar... but you'll probably get arrested if you drink more than a forty ouncer. So be careful! I have hallucinated and time travelled under the influence of steel reserve.
After I drank a couple of forties of STEEL RESERVE I felt brave enough to fight a cop! And the cop felt brave enough to Taser me till I shit my pants.
LOL "Steel Reserve is a low-quality, low-prestige, low-dignity malt beverage. Purchasing Steel Reserve is often an act of desperation by would-be drinkers in times of economic hardship. "
Sounds like my kind of drink.