Message from @Gonzo
Discord ID: 469943946429071381
I hate the media
@Dewald they took a corner yes, but lots to fix. Hungary is doing great, strong monoculture and they do not care about EU eurocrats
@plasma mean in the same way our "new guy" Ramaphosa is sorting shit out???
@Brennladen our new guy is still a commie, theirs is miles to the right
They are all fucjking "commies"
@Brennladen didn't SA intelligence have pedophilia dirt on ramaphosa back in the 80's or something ?
Imagine if that could surface today...
Funniest shit this year is when winnie died and the papers were printing that all the dirt on her was fabricated LOL
Come into voice chat
How can you access voice chat ?
lol why wouldnt he??? I was thinking Russia mostly, but maybe it was part of the Russia Trump collusion, who knows how they will spin it
lol I work with only polaks and they were talking about the russia thing dismayed but fuck it. Id rather htem be friends.
Go to menu top left then down to general voice channela
Looks like you okes are in a locked channel though ?
I have been in general voice channels for an hour (only crazyboer has been in there with me to now)
We're in general chat now
@Conscious Caracal everyone sanctioned them,even tho they were a majoriry of british people. British people even moved to rhodesia during the 70's.
Americans forced Smith to surrender, he was hell bent on continuing fighting. Henry Kisinger.
a true representation of sa whites
@Karooboer switzerland played a big role in getting other countries to sanction SA. Israel supplied us with military stuf all troughout,even tho they were said to have stopped in the late 80's,but the jews don't say no to money 😂
why doesnt @Willem Petzer make gangster rap music?
@Karooboer i find them absolutely fucking ridiculous i love it
Israel supplied us with the first ever drone that we used in the bush war
@Gonzo If we gonna go on the jew topics the jews fucked us six love during apartheid
Israeli Zionist jews are better than the others that blend in with the the "fellow" whites
Lol oubaas se kind dai mos
@Dewald whats up with the Jew hating? Yes they have crooks amongst them but overall I like Israel
@Karooboer I love israel
Just hate how hypocritical jews are in other western countries