Message from @CYBERTOLLIE
Discord ID: 475307716886134795
@The Fleeb good, but why this unfavorable(for the masses) decision right before an election?
maybe they see the light
doubt it
does BEE favour Indians and coloureds or is it just for Black people?
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@The Fleeb BEE became BBBEE(Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) To include all the other disadvantage groups. And yes indians and coloreds do benefit. Many coloureds have gotten contracts/funds to expand their businesses to supply big chains that have BBBEE "programs" Woolworths is one of them as an example. There are Agriculture fund programs such as the (casp/Ilima fund)that have spent millions on black/coloured and indian farmers. Whites are obviously excluded as per usual as we benefited from apartheid ,remember.
@The Fleeb Ultimately, a policy of quotas never benefits any group, it discourages excellence and competition.
causes division, tokenism
Any system which gives free handouts (ie Socialist system) encourages mediocrity, and locks people in a state of dependence on the state
first BEE applied to large (public) companies and they had to have a timeline for implementation, it is increasingly targeting smaller (private) companies and creating all kinds of onerous business conditions
MultiChoice's complaint against Netflix isn't entirely without merit, they are being handicapped by south african red tape
best that naspers can hope for are smart bets from smart executives, because their workforce isn't a meritocracy. the market values their south african operations at less than zero(at least it was)
classic scenario, business owner in the 90s sells equity at a favourable rate to BEE partners(like Cyril) then those partners might eventually sell their shares, now the same company is still under obligation to meet employment equity quotas
I can tell you a story about BEE from personal experience: The company I currently work for, used to deliver excellent quality. We used to employ mainly Europeans (Germans to be exact), and a lesser percentage of South Africans (almost no blacks). About 4 years ago, the company has changed their employment policy to accommodate BEE. We now almost have no Germans working there anymore. About 95% of our workforce are South African and Zimbabwean, of which the majority is black. Since the end of last year, the company is in serious danger of closing, because of not being able to meet SLAs with customers, and consistently bad quality.
My dad worked for eskom,they pushed BEE like no other company. My dad said there were so many incompetent people that other people had to do the work of the newly appointed black workers,many of them youngster that were pushed into roles they couldn't handle. My dad took his retirement 10 years earlier from eskom at age 50,built a house by the beach and started his own company.
lol well why do you think we have so many powercuts
From my side, I'm not white but I don't work for south african IT companies because they can't compete with global ones(again, partially due to onerous compliance and anti competitive quota BS)
My dad also got pushed out of Eskom
Remember the big telkom lay off about 5 years ago. Many of them men aged 40-60. It was to make way for new young BEE candidates. My friends dad was one of them,guess what happened.Telkom contracted him to do work for them because the new people struggled lol Now he is coining it big time.
ja, our public sector overpays for services and labour
Like that sars official. Paid 2.5 million per year to sit and read newspapers and getting 35% bonus on top of that.
even now there's like 30k excess people in Eskom that need to get weeded out according to Ted Blom
this is pretty much the whole of South Africa
Well... With BEE, they are really provoking war, aren't they?
Think of all the smart White guys who will be unemployed and will be left with no choice than take up arms against the likes of Ramaphosa & Malema. Do they really think they can win?
they just fucken demons sitting there keeping shit fucked up
that bitch needs to be grabbed by the collar and kicked the fuck out
not make jokes with her
just watching that i wanna moer her with the back of my hand
well, the first backfire @buzzlightyear was that it encouraged entrepreneurship and more financial success in the white community π
duk muit
you are sitting there, a devil.
SA needs righteous indignation
@rob yeah, think about the financial power they will be amassing too, these idiots will never be able to compete
@TruthCanary thats it! (the video)
How many of you have read the following books of FA Venter:
Geknelde Land
Bedoelde Land
I've heard that these are really good books