Message from @The Fleeb
Discord ID: 475699138269544458
they wanna come chance
Here they target us because I think my dad sometimes give the local garbage boys leftover food
So they think it's free handout time
its tough, you gotta give to the right people ja... not to scum
When in reality we're giving a gift to people who actually work
they just see white man and expect cash
thats why they say if you see someone coming at you asking for money ask them first
I study in Potch, right, you should see the fucking beggar children there
'do you have any money for me?'
literally no matter where you go in the world they see white man they expect cash
They have dried glue on their noses asking you for money
Have you guys heard of Nyope?
Ditsem! @CYBERTOLLIE, you just advanced to level 5!
nasty stuff
It's crazy
I'm surprised they don't die sooner with what they take in
A drug that they have in townships @CYBERTOLLIE a mix of whatever they find: heroin, anti retrovirals, handy andy, tik, rat poison
Gras en rot gif
that must be roughhh
I still maintain my opinion that no type of drug should be made legal
Causes internal bleeding
they will legalize cannabis soon enough
Yeah I'm a bit more libertarian economically, but the only way it can work is if you have a competent government which has the ability to shape the culture in the right way
"Sure you can smoke weed, but hey, if you, everyone will think you're a brainless loser"
cannabis has benefitted the US economy so much, theyve called it the 'green rush' after the gold rush
Why does afriforum want to prosecute grace mugabe?
Yeah I can imagine
They were successful in getting her diplomatic immunity revoked btw
ya with a wire i think
what colour was the model?
It's a good move optics wise imo