Message from @Ali Lazim
Discord ID: 480951249139793922
Yo deadass we need to stand up against those liberal muslim twitter thots and faggots
we need to send a hit squad after tawhidi
Shia filth
My twitter handle is kaizervonmaanen
hey guys follow me
@looooooooooooooooool fugg off porki
nigger what are you a kaffir degenerate?
He is apparently lying and it is not actually his twitter (at least he said so in another channel)
i was playing the troll card
That's going in my cringe compilation
ignore the avi i forget to change it
follow this new account goyim
Oy vey
anudda shoah
Follow the Spanish Qaysar, (((Jack))) bean'd him
Here's the new Devon account
Literally me. My Twitter
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh
JazakaLlahoukheiran akhi al fadel @CuriousFear
My twitter