Message from @Crystal
Discord ID: 423995499226464257
I had heard they band a bord.....?
Who is Q?
Someone on the utube said POTUS showed off a jersey that boasted Trump 17 and stated that Trump for sure was showing is that he was Q Anon. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. My response was that it's Trump 20"17" being shown and certainly not Q.
@edwardJlo#6538 Q is more then one person.
A little Trump, a little MI and i think a Jerome Corsi. I don't know why but i get that feeling.
Is there Q post that we don't know about? (I copied this from Twitter.) Where do we need to look?
scroll to the top of this chat. You will find Q post links. We do not have direct links to the anon boards.
There are no new Q posts
Anytime there is a new one it will be uploaded here
I started reading it because of the Q post.
I posted it in case anyone was curious, like me, and wanted to read it themselves.
Might want to read from the beginning though... I think it opens up to page 5 which is where I'm currently at.
I'd love to hear peoples thoughts.
It is not that long. Only about 16 pages.
Sorry... just noticed someone else posted that too 😃
In case you want the full text...
new Q post huh??? BOOOOOM
5 2018 19:36:51
Iran next [].
RT days after.
RT Kenya.
No coincidences.
Mar 15 2018 19:31:42
Mar 15 2018 19:29:14
I suspect a mini flood now, after the past dry days
is "public will know soon" refering to depth of corruption in FIB? or what? Pedodesta? something we might have danced around on the Q-boards? HRC video on tarmac?
@LaserTrain what if public will know soon, ie with the depth of clowns, now that trump has clowns he trusts, those will pull back the curtain?
that will be great, maybe the Space Force already exists?
Maybe it's a deception?
And while everyone's looking out into space, they're really staring back at you... And the whole thing is like the Truman Show, or Minority Report, and they're just upping the deception.
A magician* can only rely on knowing that you will at least choose* one of the options they've made sure to present you with.
so what if Trump eliminating the DS and rogue Ciawns, he has access to the tech that was being held back
Yea but have you seen him go public with it? Military profiling software?
I haven't, but I found out they're using it... that's what -Jade helm/ was the beginnings on updating.
It's Minority Report...
And if anyone has seen "stranger things" I don't think L just coincidentally resembles the pre cogs from Minority report.
*sorry for rambling in the Q posts board.
Kellyann says mcmaster is not leaving
Im not thinking about the profiling, im thinking about the strange lights in the sky