Message from @excursion12 (redha, richtginger)
Discord ID: 683568023159963664
skinny pussy
because she smelt something weird on her body and pain
and then when the doctor stripped her
he noticed the smell was coming from her tits
oh not the sex board
and under her tits was a massive scab
except it wasnt a scab
was it a crab?
it was a bunch of cockroaches burrowing into her fat and eating her
i was close
thanks luci
and the smell was her festering flesh
really needed to hear that
from the wound
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) i aim to please!
What about the lady who had gone to the doctor because she had a lot of pain in her stomach fat
that musta *bugged* her
the rape song
if anyone is interested
in the subject of rapine of course
And when she went to the doctor he found a shit ton of infected splinters in the folds under her stomach
oh we gon start posting songs again?
Because when her husband went to have sex with her he would hold up the fat with a wooden board
I'm down
no athens music channel so why not
what about the one
where a woman had fertility issues her whole life
and when she first started having sex it hurt a very large amount
and then she goes to the doctor for checkup on her vagina
and hes looking inside her vagina
and hes like
what the fuck
this isnt a vagina
the organs arnt there