Message from @Papa John's Day of Reckoning
Discord ID: 683570798639841290
some weeb shit is acceptable
you all complaining about my memes and yet im the only one actually posting mems in the first place
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) POST MUSIEK NEGRO
eggman pissing on the moon is basically music
only wholesome cute shit
i can have a cuesy heavy tune
hol on
yall want som egood not weeb shit
love this song
here's some fantastic music for you metal heads:
can i convince you guys to listen to that song if i inform you that it has a purebred aryan girl
oh nice
@Papa John's Day of Reckoning nothing you do or say can possibly make me listen to any song you post.
youre a nigger
these aren even memes