Message from @caffeinated fascist
Discord ID: 347147460264722448
Left is gonna go full chimpout in the streets
.wang shoah'd
Stay vigilant boys. Things might get a little hairy.
any ideas on why the site is down? domain issues again?
Keep pushing #altleft. It needs to become synonymous with anti white and (((other things)))
@vonGoethe Agree and Amplify
wtf, IGD has me blocked. faggots
@everyone If you want to help Wooderson out with his repairs please contribute through the Exodus Americanus PayPal.
His shit got smashed in fam.
What happened?
Tires and windows.
@RCO Nick-TX cool man im on it.
Insurance helping at all?
@Greg Brewer - OKC those niggers and antifa trannys were breakling outr windows and slashing tires of anyone they suspected of being alt right. they even got some niggers cars at a diversity class
The latter part anyway
but they did get a lot of our cars
yeah man i cracked up when i heard about that
If they were bashing cars, and they were crowding around in the streets, then that guy with the charger dindu nuffing wrong.
There is video of his car getting smashed before he hit anyone.
I guess he saw what happened to Reginald Denny.
even if they didn't, if i see a bunch of antifa gathering around the cars in front of me that are just trying to leave the area, and they're beating on windows and such, then I might just hit the gas. Don't want to get hit? Get out of the fucking street.
Alt-left Auschwitz is coming.
@Kurt14Lipper orchestra and pool party?
Sure. Extra chlorine gas in the pool
Boxcars to Birkenau, faggots.
Great meeting you at the IE party, Roscoe.
Baked and Microchip's discord just got shoah'd
I saw a bunch of cheap shitty posters on many light poles in Lansing, they said "make racists afraid again"
Afraid of what
And again?
When were we before?
idk fines or fat HR bitches