Message from @Johnny Hates God
Discord ID: 611802269519970315
Those are some fun things to ngl
Consume yiff destroy assimilate into the borg
That one commie chick who got her nipples removed has some nice fleshbags tho
And she can post em on insta with no problem now
"Its the small victories that keep us going" isnt that a phrase?
yeah the borg hypocrites, there is no such thing as perfection, and even if there was, forcefully assimilating knowledge from other species is incredibly inefficient, they could use supercomputers, powered by Dyson Swarms... but yeah, they need to rely on smaller quite possibly less advanced species to gain knowledge... you'd think they'd only take on way more powerful opponents.
She has some large victories if you catch my drift, so smooth too
Cant even see the scars
Would probably be a nightmare if she has no nips and got knocked up
Not able to release the milkies
Idk what would happen
So ancom was an admin? @Johnny Hates God
I’m back, cannot sleep
Me neither
Ancom Pride is from San Francisco, his VPN was obsolete and I got that.
Tl:dr, bored admin deletes whole server?
What now?
Im in Oakland
I can have a beer with him and pick his brain
Yeah i cant see it either
I never got my red name color change
No commies posted feet either
Techno is making me feel uneasy.
He’s completely cut me off
Its a high beats per minute thats why
Youre supposed to dance to the music
Elmo, seriously
Oh techno the person
I’m going to disable my other account
I got back control of my email
He’s from San Fran baby
I’m going to have it deleted.
Ancom said your email and discord passwords were the same
Is that true?
Wait what?
Why would you do that?