Message from @Deleted
Discord ID: 611805002788241408
Me? I wasn’t the one that did it
Techno ffs
Are you from under a rock?
That was my account before he compromised it, what’s your point
That literally proves absolutely nothing fucking new.
How did get compromised?
Email was compromised
Used email to get in, not rocket science
He then used that to socially engineer techno
So he reset your discord pass via email?
I literally have the email still
I got my email back
Maybe thats what he meant then
He said something about using an email to get into discord
When I asked him how ownership was transfered
He used my account to socially engineer techno, and techno doesn’t have a sufficient quantity of balls to show up
The power went out due to the heat so I got drunk, please bear with me as I type out my line of thought
Very well
It happened right after the LCU got borked
I thought ancom turned off my power
I mean he is from San Fran
So was that guy an actual Ancom or what?
It came back on so my piss bottles in the second fridge wont go bad
I was worried they would
Yes, I know him
This quarrel is between him and me
For your own sake stay out of it, do not pick a fight, do not attempt to cause trouble for him.
I have a long term plan. Take my word for it. I’ve known him the longest.
Hes gonna hack your shit again
Aha, I know him.
I’m not afraid of him.
It’s... a long, peculiar, and weird course of events.
I wanna see what his feet look like