Message from @Jonathan The Shaman
Discord ID: 612457959376814151
The LCU is a new political platform
@Deleted User any specific questions about it, I’m the founder
Just tag me and I’ll respond when I’m awake
Send me the server pfp please, dms
@Jonathan The Shaman sometime before tomorrow
You mean the link? @Deleted
Beer, check,
Guns, check
And video gamers ☝
Ah shit here we go again
No shaman lol, the image
Can you please readd the ancapsmug emote
I loved that
And the sad ancappepe
also could someone change that goddamn member colour to anything thats readable
Have something Random.
@Jordan Philips Cockram please add them to <#612457809392435200> and I’ll get to it when I’m back and can access my computer again
Sounds good
This green name shit sucks. I want my name to show up the color red. As red as the devils dick.
Make it so, por favor!
I'm bored
*When it's* ***not*** *sunny in Philadelphia*
Dats raycis
@Jonathan The Shaman could I get the photo sometime today preferably
WHich one?
i already asked
The server pfp
The server pfp shaman
The active one
Just a sec, believe it’s on my phone
I have yours and mine, don’t know where it is, don’t know if I saved it or not
@Jonathan The Shaman ***Officer's***
Officer's what?