Message from @The Gunslinger
Discord ID: 616102185427664906
Jweeeeez calm
Honestly your presence disgusts me. Give me anything you have on this, and I’ll fuck off.
What the fuck is this
Presence digusts you?
Why are you screaming at a bot....christ kid, I suppose you beat your computer or console when your internet router acts up..
You know nothing of me?
Nor of the nature of these people
I don’t plan to. You are ancaps, in one way or another, and that shall do.
We're not all ancaps
I'd even argue that most aren't ancaps...
I happen to be a socialist
That’s sad
Did you just assume my position? I'm calling a point of personal privilege!
Why so?
Why do you waste your time here, with such an irrelevant failure of a movement
State your case or we aren't going to take your claims seriously. As Mr Valintine has stated it really seems like there is no point, I'd even claim that your only point is to avert the case away from yourself.
If you really care about someone **impersonating** you, you wouldn't attack your potential source of information.
GG @cαĸǝ🍰шʌίғυ, you just advanced to level 4!
Now I'll happily have a respectful conversation with you
I’ll pass
Then why are you here?
Now @Larbi go away
For fucks sake
He just wants BS attention
Wouldn't surprise me, I don't believe I would warrant such aggression in any other case...
He wasn’t really impersonated, he was telling me “go away” over and over in the old server
That was me
I'm just waiting for the fireworks to go off
Now I'll ask you again, what is your purpose here?
Yeah and you took over the server and told other people to go away
I saw it before you kicked me
I will presume your innocence and hear out your case