Message from @The Gunslinger
Discord ID: 650437238802481154
!d invite <#611751317005664277>
!d bump
!d bump
@Deleted User @Jeebus I’m in vc
Clear for a bit
Sorry I left the store and had no wifi x.x @Jonathan The Shaman
I left my phone with service at home that's why I couldn't talk unfortunately v.v
"Republics breed totalitarianism"
The constitution is just a adult stuffed animal to hold onto when scared of genuine totalitarianism from republics, change my mind
!d bump
@The Gunslinger drowned out by the wind
I need to get to higher ground
Okay, hopefully I’m in better signal
Vc @Ulithian
GG @The Gunslinger, you just advanced to level 7!
<a:580931620253728810:614733917970235402> <:pepe:587327888785670158>
!d bump
Vc anyone?
Maybe in a bit
Limmi know when your ready
@The Gunslinger @Deleted User @gundagger @HoJu have info vc if you can please and thank you
Sure I'm no longer in frozen hell
I'm coming in on the phone with Andrew lol
This looks epic @Elmo
!d bump