Message from @wiping account (DM for more info
Discord ID: 646956603127365632
not for me
I have
it as a food group
Alcohol is bad
because of Austrian genetics
look mate I don't drink that fucking much
Plus really extreme drugs are expensive and loaded with contaminations
I’ve breathed way too much denatured in
At one point
And got hammered
As long as it’s not large quantities all the time it’s ok but we shouldn’t consume something so potent
We aren’t made for thag
Well, it was by accident
It happened when i was cleaning glass in the summer
But long periods of a lot can give you so many problems with liver and sex drive
This is the twist which is going to make it clear why it was such an utterly bad trip
my liver is overpowered
also my sex drive is eternally there
Say that in twenty years lol
like, I don't even masturbate because I'm not a slave to degeneracy
I’m referring to the future
look, my drinking is like
You’re too young for that most likely
nignog I'm 25
I’m 20
I’m saying long term bro
I quit drinking because of it's acidic taste
except for occasions
but I still like it
I prefer dark beer myself
now and then
with bismuth