Message from @ozzybrooke
Discord ID: 647220641774174214
Saw it
I’ll be back, need to get ready to shower and then shower
Afterwards, I’ll be no longer dirty
Eh hem
Whebo splash, get you balls clean 🧼
Now who recognizes that line from Paulo Franco I believe was his name, he’s a comedian
Never heard about him but that was funny!
Wait I think it’s Paublo Francisco
Little tortilla guy
Have to run to the restroom but I’ll be back ASAP to vc
At work
Marcus Aurelius was right.
Side bar aswell
It's a NAP violation to make someone wait for tacos
I can't argue that👆
Or to put white stuff in it without my consent
Oh god 😂
Ill be back at 7 y'all
<a:535622078519574528:614733737107652609> <a:535622078519574528:614733737107652609> <a:535622078519574528:614733737107652609> <a:535622078519574528:614733737107652609>
GG @Jonathan The Shaman, you just advanced to level 23!