Message from @ozzybrooke
Discord ID: 647499521948909578
Can’t wait to see it
GG @ozzybrooke, you just advanced to level 5!
Hey @ozzybrooke :)
How are you
Good, been up for a bit because dog's needed to go out lol. My dog barks at me when he needs to go, and if you ignore him he will howl lol
Lmao 😂
I’m at my bfs him and his dad are cooking breakfast but he has work in an hour and I won’t see him til later tonight
Aww but at least you get to see him off before he leaves :)
Yeah we don’t get much time together but we make the most of it plus my mom was off today and I need a vacation from her voice
Yeah I hear that x.x I'm long over due for a vacation..
Hey everyone :3
Hey @MalloryMassacre
But I'm glad your getting time away from her lol
Hey @MalloryMassacre
Hey @HoJu 😏
Hello @HoJu
How goes it^^
Not bad how are you?
Anyone know what happened to Alpha?
Disappearing once again
I'm alive that's all that matters 😊
I’m okay :p
so far so good, hope all is well for everyone and it is Friday
Only okay?
Long story @Seal
Yeah just sleepy lol I have a lot to do today but I just thought I would drop by and say hello
Yeah let’s not get into that again @Seal
Let it die
Well I hope you have a good day
I'm just wondering since he's a good friend of mine
He’s been stressed out because of drama he shouldn’t be involved in but he did the right thing and got backlash because people are children
He left due to false accusations from others claiming he’s a pedo or whatever just bc of something someone else posted in HSR