Message from @ManOWar
Discord ID: 655845407326339072
GG @The Gunslinger, you just advanced to level 8!
!d bump
What's up
I'm new
But this place seems pretty cool
It's alright
How are ya btw?
I'm great. Been just enjoying the weekend. Going to try and finish reading Frankenstein
Oh nice
I like reading
Especially older stuff
For me it depends on the book
Do you read or are you super busy or what
I read while in my free time
Typically on the bus to and home from school
He likes reading what a fucken nerd
I like older movies specifically older comedies like The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin is my favorite
Fucken nerds both of ya
Yeah I should watch that. I love Charlie Chaplin
It's good
I was told a little about the server from Ulithian but I don't really know what the purpose of it is I guess
Its the LCU, just shamans idea on how to yeet gov't effectively. Check <#612543668619837500> for further info.
Oh okay
Well seems pretty cool to me
I'll be sure to stock around. Might play some games and get in voice chat later
Nice, maybe I’ll see you there
Vc or no
Already there
In a sec