Message from @at0m

Discord ID: 279424057512951808

2017-02-09 03:00:06 UTC  

The reaction to the Giggler's death would be so unrealistic now.

2017-02-09 04:23:40 UTC  


2017-02-10 01:23:08 UTC  

From what I've heard the movie is pretty even and bashes on both side equally

2017-02-10 01:25:01 UTC  

I think its just a marketing fail

2017-02-10 01:27:18 UTC  

The main writer even said its a love letter to his white boyfriend

2017-02-10 01:27:49 UTC  

AND the writer and director said that there will be no arbitrary mocking of white people in the movie

2017-02-10 01:28:08 UTC  

Lets wait and see if it is actually fucking racist

2017-02-10 01:30:33 UTC  

Thats just me tho

2017-02-10 01:30:39 UTC  

It has massive downvotes

2017-02-10 01:31:01 UTC  


2017-02-10 01:31:26 UTC  

Im not saying its going to be good

2017-02-10 01:31:39 UTC  

Im just saying lets wait and see if the outrage is worth it

2017-02-10 01:32:16 UTC  

if it turns out to be racist shit Ill quit netflix

2017-02-10 01:34:44 UTC  

Could be not that bad, but I'm not going to hold my breath for a show called "Dear White People" and has the most bullshit trailer ever

2017-02-10 01:35:03 UTC  

"Dear Black People"
"Dear Jewish people"

2017-02-10 01:35:20 UTC  

Doesn't exactly strike me as a good tone to set

2017-02-10 01:35:54 UTC  

The movie even has a joke about "What if you made a dear black people"

2017-02-10 01:36:06 UTC  

I mean shit the movie is on hulu

2017-02-10 01:36:28 UTC  

Imma watch an hour of it and see if its any good

2017-02-10 01:37:48 UTC  

I don't think they posess the self-awareness to do anything decent with this, and either way, the trailer alone is dumb and worthy of people getting upset about

2017-02-10 01:38:15 UTC  

Yeah like I said its a marketing fail

2017-02-10 18:04:12 UTC  

mmmm, I hear say this is based off a movie....

2017-02-12 21:25:43 UTC  

Yeah its based off of a movie

2017-02-12 21:25:49 UTC  

its on hulu