Message from @Madrix
Discord ID: 315954135830888458
🆙 | **Proud Ethnic Kekistani Man leveled up!**
🆙 | **Wanderzing leveled up!**
for all your pc part needs
(laptop search based on prices and graphics)
(that's all of the laptop "spam" was for someone in the waiting room asking about laptops)
Hey, does anyone here play Destiny (and will play Destiny 2)? I made a clan because clans will be a big thing in D2.
Nice, on PC?
Did you see Blizzard is helping with the PC port and using for it?
All I saw was that D2 will only be available on Battle Net. I dont really care so much. I like Battle Net but the UI needs to change if its going to become home for all Activision/Blizzard games.
Don't think it will be for all Activision games just this one. Which I think is good due to the stability of the platform, and their experience with mmos and patching them. Most MMOs have shit launchers, i.e. final fantasy xv has one of the worst.
🆙 | **Madrix leveled up!**
pay no attention
🆙 | **TheBeggarHero leveled up!**
just look a little down
What type of right winger are you?
@everyone Killing Floor 2 is having a free demo week to celebrate the Summer Sidewhow event and is going for 50% off on Steam. If any of you are interested, now's the time to check this game out.