Message from @slimerZZZ
Discord ID: 284153848883445769
how do you get the patreon tag?
i am a patron already
but no tag?
Im poor
ok ty
I need help. There is an event tomorrow on my campus discussing topics like "The Trump Presidency in Perspective: Autocrats and Populists in Latin America”
“Attacks on Public Schools as Attacks on Democracy”
and “Threats to Judicial Independence in the US”
@slimerZZZ I don't give out the Patreon role without confrimation of who you are by Matt. If you want the role, message him on Patreon and tell him who you are on Discord so we can confirm it.
I have to go to a Black history month performance twice
I cannot decide whether to go as a socialist revolutionary or just call these bitches out
Good luck! Shit could get hairy
doubt it, it's all professors who have nothing do to
like, the fat, snorting gender studies prof's
Socialist revolutionary, with an emphasis an ache Guevara type tactics and thoughts.
also they have open mic sessions every hour, so that's my in
I need a shirt first
and use them as proof of the liberating effects of socialism
just get a wife beater, and black marker a hammer and sickle on your forearm
I want to just call them out and say that this event would happen under whatever president followed Obama
but the revolutionary disguise might get more hits.
Damnit, I'll have to wait another week
@M3Henry Yeah. If you aren't right on it at 10 till, you have little chance.
Shame. I'm at CPAC right now.
Which Milo was uninvited from.
@myddrinemrys I actually got in last week, but the audio didn't work for some reason
I'm hoping Richard Spencer might crash it. Thatd be funny.
any good speakers?
The president.
The vice president.
dank meme👌🏿
@M3Henry Been there.
someone rub my nipples
Rhaegr thx for the insight! I was reading about media corruption and inside jobs today from Sargon