Message from @e-102r?
Discord ID: 311990054669254659
Finals week: best one ever
the final one?
Who's ready for WW3???
I'm personally hyped for WW3.
God, fuck this chat. It's so dead.
personally I'm more excited for WW4
Do you think WW3 will happen?
yes and no
what bullshit answer.
like I don't think it will occur in a way we do not expect
and fuck you too friend
oh, you were about to expand upon? sorry.
go ahead, tell me more.
Innuendo? hello?
Sorry for saying that!
lol your good
just trying to gether my thoughts
Oh, ok. Go ahead and think.
wow, you're writing a lot of shit, aren't ya?
🆙 | **Orni leveled up!**
Who the fuck are you???
LOL I think the country's that will start WW3 and the means used to fight the war will be vastly different from what we expect. I don't think there will be nuclear weapons involved, but I do think the geneva convention will be thrown out the window and alot of brutal means of war will come back
most likely it will either be connected to radical Islam and communists teaming up, but not in the current country's we worry about
like I could see it starting between like Pakistan and India
I see. Thanks for your thoughts.
Do you think WW3 will happen in our lifetime?
Like... Maybe in the next few years?
like I'm not sure, and I think it depends what one would consider a world war? like is a world war simply a war that is fought on more than one continent?
or is it more that simlply that country's from different continents are fighting in a war on one specifc continent?
if its the later, then we are aleady in world war 3 probably
Oh, yeah. I've heard that generally World Wars are determined after they've occured.
So I guess we might be in a precursor or something, who knows.
I hope the middle-east is destroyed.
lol, honestly I am surprised somebody hasn't nuked it
especially india
they hate the middle east I hear
They pakistan, that's for sure.
*they hate pakistan