Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 314563274941267975
@eggycrunchybob get out or roll call. XD
Sgt. Nipples then whatever
More like Buck Private.
More like butt pirate amIright?!
Everyone get your plugs!
If you're lucky, maybe a chastity belt.
was just about to set up roll call
gonna go hate myself with pubg
everyone hates me.
I like you
Fuck you @Unstoppable
Love you <3
sigh, I'm going to die
he's going to address the youtube chat
I still don't understand why people hate him.
imagine the backlash
Fuck you @Deleted User I'm Lt. Titties and you will respect my rank and stiff nipples
More like been in the rear in general AMIRIGHT?!
that one was a bit of a stretch
^pun sorta intended
Half-tempted to make a joke role to use to just ban people from typing in chat or speaking in voice channels for the shits and gigs.
Though I know something would go wrong eventually.
that's what the general chat is for though
No, like you cannot speak at all on the server if you had the role.
You basically just exist and do nothing else.
that's my life in a nutshell, I exist and do nothing
so essentially real life
🆙 | **Stan Konopka leveled up!**
beat you too it
what is with this level up bot?
The bot does that on its own, but its main purpose here is to greet people and introduce them to the server.
But it can also do this.