Message from @reloadedAK

Discord ID: 319646105165889536

2017-06-01 01:04:32 UTC  

lemme in

2017-06-01 01:04:39 UTC  

how do I get inline

2017-06-01 01:09:24 UTC  

Read <#294847468229754880>

2017-06-01 01:10:31 UTC  

Divider in Chief you go into <#231936127378915328> and type <#231936127378915328>

2017-06-01 01:10:49 UTC  
2017-06-01 01:11:07 UTC  

Not entirely sure how discourd or this call in stuff worls

2017-06-01 01:11:10 UTC  


2017-06-01 01:13:04 UTC  

<#294847468229754880> Explains everything about how the server works.

2017-06-01 01:14:14 UTC  

I'm waiting in line to talk about net neutrality

2017-06-01 01:14:41 UTC  

I've asked about that. matt isnt well versed on the topic far as I've asked

2017-06-01 01:15:29 UTC  

I have spent the last 15 years building the internet. The way it works and the compulsion of ISPs and such, and their various arguments are sort of complex, but easy to boil down

2017-06-01 01:15:58 UTC  

and they're several billion in the hole they received in tax subsidies they pocketed

2017-06-01 01:16:31 UTC  

They just pocketed the government aid? surprise surprise?

2017-06-01 01:16:54 UTC  


2017-06-01 01:17:24 UTC  

So if we took government out of the internet they would live and by the service that they provide customers

2017-06-01 01:17:57 UTC  

I think the correlation between airwaves, video / radio vs the internet

2017-06-01 01:18:18 UTC  

does federal interjection help or hinder? does it make things better or worse?

2017-06-01 01:18:47 UTC  

Then the question would be asked was it really necessary?

2017-06-01 01:19:00 UTC  

would everything fall down around our ears if they didnt?

2017-06-01 01:19:27 UTC  

More like, is regulatory interference help or cause more problems. I see the ISPs point of view, especially in regard to netflix

2017-06-01 01:19:30 UTC  

ive got an ISP in my area that blew everyone else out of the water just from the good service they provided

2017-06-01 01:19:59 UTC  

This discord thing is kinda cool. Reminds me of old school AIM

2017-06-01 01:20:04 UTC  

but netflix colocates boxes at ISPs to cut down on bandwidth costs, but it is incumbent upon the ISPs to deal with the bandwidth costs.

2017-06-01 01:20:28 UTC  

They ship pass-through proxy machines

2017-06-01 01:21:09 UTC  

So you have people like comcast who bitch about peering, a "service" that only provides a better service to their customers

2017-06-01 01:21:20 UTC  

and then blames netflix, which is totally not their problem

2017-06-01 01:21:53 UTC  

they provide the service, comcast just bitches at everyone that they have to pay for the bandwidth their customers want to use. And they still provide sh*t service

2017-06-01 01:22:34 UTC  

Just sounds like they arent willing to expand on infrastructure. That's the problem with a monopoly, they rest on their laurels

2017-06-01 01:22:38 UTC  

Praise Kek

2017-06-01 01:22:41 UTC  

that's exactly that

2017-06-01 01:23:05 UTC  

they don't want to spend the coin it costs for them to provide the service they sell

2017-06-01 01:23:21 UTC  

That's why I think if the barrier to entry is lower, the monopoly would be broken by a bunch of smaller companies snapping away their business

2017-06-01 01:23:43 UTC  

Not to mention the ownership of the copper that goes to each home

2017-06-01 01:23:55 UTC  

the company in my town that got so much buzz is less than 10 years old

2017-06-01 01:23:56 UTC  

in the U.S. we don't have options, so yes they are monopolies and they know it

2017-06-01 01:23:58 UTC  

🆙 | **DividerInChief leveled up!**

2017-06-01 01:24:01 UTC  

Violence is always the answer

2017-06-01 01:25:41 UTC  

In hte U.S. it appears to me that monopolies appear when government and big business start giving each other reach arounds

2017-06-01 01:25:57 UTC  

sort of agree

2017-06-01 01:26:18 UTC  

microsoft's monopoly was built through sheer bastard behavior

2017-06-01 01:26:44 UTC  

Most people are bastards by nature