Message from @FrankBossMedia
Discord ID: 403395480484184068
I thought I was the first non subscriber to jump in...
VeryStableGenius is sub?
after he did roll call
oh, he is
its so bullshit
I see, my bad,
Nah, it's ok.
He made the effort...
he became a patreon after he did <#231936127378915328>
you're an hour late, you have the super status
and you do roll call
Are you saying where there's people with `orange privilege` ? lol
`orange privilege` Trump™
starting to think I might get to be the next caller before the show ends again, lol.
that would suck
I want to explain to the people Communitarianism
Asset Based community Development
Called it
yay I made it!
how do i get in on this
Haven't used my mic yet, have to test it I guess
I'm starting to think Youtube demonitizes based on what content you see as well...
Can't wait until tomorrow's call in show
Hope you guys cover the hilarity that was the Peterson v. Newman debate
@SirCaelius They touched it a bit on Sunday
@am3mptos what makes you say?
Unlisted videos in a my video manager with 0 views, about programming, nothing political, being demonitized. And when I click the "Appeal" blue text, it just takes me to the video options without an actuall appeal form. Nada.
Matt asked me to post something in chat.