Message from @Rythm
Discord ID: 422065695719686145
**Skipping?** (1/8 people)
**Skipping?** (2/7 people)
**Skipping?** (3/7 people)
⏩ ***Skipped*** 👍
**Skipping?** (1/7 people)
**Skipping?** (2/7 people)
**Skipping?** (3/6 people)
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
❌ **You already voted to skip the current song.**
❌ **You already voted to skip the current song.**
!skip for the love of god
❌ **You already voted to skip the current song.**
❌ **You already voted to skip the current song.**
❌ **You already voted to skip the current song.**
**Skipping?** (1/6 people)
**Skipping?** (2/6 people)
**Skipping?** (3/6 people)
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``