Message from @Chépakoi
Discord ID: 464977149414211595
remember the tulpas?
tulpa? now there is a word I haven't heard in a long time
the tulpa reddit is a goldmine of comedy though
oh my god, the tulpas
may this last forever
i know they are special
im in
time to post wholesome memes
it is not dead
I can see it is
with eyes
my eyes
you gotta read the chat.
dead chat
I can see it is
with eyes
so dead it died thrice
did somebody just get shot in the background?
this is america
I do not speak questionable languages
you speak english aka 30% french
so you also speak English, use it
of course i speak english i am a quebecois 70% of quebecois are bilanguals
then USE it
and don't send weird franch messages
English is not my first language either, Sir.
than what is your first language pleb
Sir, I would kindly ask that you speak Franch if you are to converse with I in my original language.
franch isn't a word
you are choosing English instead? That is also acceptable.
speak joual