Message from @Czar
Discord ID: 477302093871448064 here we go british bois
1984 here we come
BuT wHo wIll BuIld tHe RoAdS?
stolen meme
you got no loicense for that meme
banned on my cake day
@AmericanRaven @Czar Sorry for not playing* WoWS, night time is girlfriend time.
But Fog said he might reinstall, so the liberalist flotilla has another barge.
@AmericanRaven @Czar @Hellstorme I might also reinstall then
Yikes that was a typo.
Perhaps that palsey I am catching is spreading to my fingers. Or starting there.
though right now monster hunter owns my soul
once the flotilla is announced i shall join
π± π€ π€ π±
the extractor is really good. The end product not so much yet
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the united states
of america
and to the republic for which it stands?
One nation under God
you forgot indivisible
that's a biggie