Message from @Rembo
Discord ID: 533545794259648513
The American rapper Tupac Shakur studied Machiavelli while in prison and became greatly influenced by his work. Upon his release from prison, Tupac honored Machiavelli in 1996 by changing his own rap name from 2Pac to Makaveli
Ah... The Sicilian Question. Another theory I am working on.
Total toss-up between them and the French, tbh.
oh god
u love me
u really do
i need cheppy to know he is beautiful no homo
@AmericanRaven i also have no prems to speak in here
so lucky you
if you let me talk its all your fault
oh, sorry, come back and I can unmute you if you want
howdy explosion in paris
For the coming elections in Canada <:NPCangry:507936678703267840>
that's hilarous.
A kekistani made this to be used as a flyer.
Alan Moore... jesus.
Well, looks like the feminists finally got one right.
pretty decent