Message from @Akhnaton
Discord ID: 301818261824339990
Any other veterans here? Just wondering
I'm a meme war vet
My wife's a disgruntled veteran, Navy.
Meme war vet nice, I need to do more of that
I know folks who are Veterans.
Gotcha, I was just wondering. Not particularly proud of being a zog bitch, but I was just thinking about boot camp and what you guys were talking about yesterday about a compound etc. And how helpful boot camp was for me in instilling a sense of pride in service, which was essentially destroyed once I hit the fleet.
But young white men in particular crave to be a part of something, I know I did/still do
Some level of physical endurance is a must
A boot camp for young white men for our cause would be awesome
I know people would sign up for that shit, kids at 18 are dumber than rocks these days and have even less direction than I did
Latching on completely to nigger and jew culture
Yea. Anywho.
A system kinda like this maybe?
But a corporeal place to train members would be choice
Pretty much
That is ideal, I'm in the middle of reading white power right now. And the first few pages have been pretty interesting, a bum walks into their office and wants to be a part of the movement..Glr doesn't believe him, but he does it because he needs a purpose
He I guess he thought that under a lot of those hippies, is an Aryan man waiting to emerge. I'm not sure I believe that
@Vice Commander Hunt Sounds good. Check "Sparta and its laws" by chechar for more inspiration for a system like that
He's a fedora but its a good book.
Yeah, I'm liking it so far
I saw the pic and it seems feasible.
I have also read "Total Resistance" by Hans V. Dach.
Good read.
Hey everyone, how's it goin?
Going good. Yourself?
Not too bad. Just joined the chat a little bit ago, wanting to see what's up haha
Love your white lives
Always do
What's up man
Received my TWP shirt today.
Yeah for mine too
Wore it to my son's martial arts class
I'm gonna pop mine on for work tomorrow
My CEO is a Jew, I would love to wear a shirt with a giant swastika on it but I still don't have my new job yet