Message from @O.W. von Diez
Discord ID: 322097520073375744
I've got a guy in Fayetteville if you want to get vetted for our ID state group.
@O.W. von Diez How many will the house accommodate?
Wade anyone down near Jacksonville?
Not yet. Fayetteville is probably the closest contact in our group.
If we can't set something up by Cville, we'll just handle it there. We've been moving our pool parties around the state to get towards everyone. We'll do one near the coast soon.
Yeah August sounds like a great time, barring work schedule fucking me over I will be there.
@Wade Garrett I mean it be awesome to meet you guys however I'm TWP
@O.W. von Diez if shields are decided upon I can help with the manufacturing thereof, got a lot of wood and tools laying around
So if shields will be used, how many would need to be made to make everyone look "uniform"?
We don't know yet
That could work.
This isn't bad. You can see through it, which is a bonus.
@FürMeineKameraden(TWP - NC) Not a problem.
@Wade Garrett you can add me as a friend and I'd like heads up whenever your guy in Fayetteville is doing something as to get vetted and to start meeting fellow goys close by
@Wade Garrett the more confirmations I get, the larger the house can be. Last time we could easily accommodate 20.
@Lukas - NC Yes, if we could look at creating some, it would be great. How many do you think we could get from your supply?
Not sure honestly, I'd need dimensions
@O.W. von Diez sounds good
Again, @here if you are planning to go and can pitch in for group lodging to ensure the Carolinas remain as a cohesive unit, please DM me.
@O.W. von Diez I'd be willing to pitch in
I'm game
@yankees arent people @Mitch Hoob Fantastic, I'll put you guys down.
So what is it exactly, basically airbnb'ing a house?
Or something of the like?
Like a vaction rental. I'm getting an actual house that is rented out for a few days at a time. I'd just like to get as many people as possible to commit before I choose a place so there is enough room. @FürMeineKameraden(TWP - NC)
@O.W. von Diez how many do we have so far
If my calculations are correct, 12 funders. Including yourself. @Lukas - NC
Is anyone going to the Raleigh - March Against Sharia?
If we made this into a banner and spelled "EVROPA" think we would piss off more bad guys or shills?
Don't think that's going to sell to blue collar or fratty southern goys
The would be to piss off the Kosher organizers and the counter protestors equally.
It could say "America" just as easily
There aren't a lot of southerners left in Raleigh.
White flight is code for ethnic cleansing of our cities.
@Tyrone we have some people attending, unsure of how many. @O.W. von Diez would know.
Yes, we are bringing 5 guys (huh huh), to the protest, but for the banner you are talking about, @Tyrone I'd leave the "F*ck" part out and replace Europe with America. The inflamatory wording won't help our cause.
There's the whole "Fuck Islam" group of dudes.