Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 403977129072787458
@Deleted User what's up my dude
smol boys
Private server
Lanky bois tho
<:Yeb:392501707386388490> <:Yeb:392501707386388490> <:Yeb:392501707386388490> <:Yeb:392501707386388490> <:Yeb:392501707386388490>
<:SunWheel:392506738575933442> <:SunWheel:392506738575933442> <:SunWheel:392506738575933442> <:SunWheel:392506738575933442> <:SunWheel:392506738575933442> <:SunWheel:392506738575933442>
@Heli welcome my goy
Ohh hi
<:Yeb:392501707386388490> <:Yeb:392501707386388490>
aww hell yeha
my fav rune
Have fun and don't forget to shitpost <:Adolf:392508291973906432> <:HappyMerchant:392511504315842570> <:bakery:392513005494992896>
<:TommyWiseau:403393057950662657> <:Denny:403395749531877377> <:TommyWiseau:403393057950662657> <:Denny:403395749531877377>
@Deleted User praise the sun <:SunWheel:392506738575933442>
RIP Sweden
Kill them all
<:Adolf:392508291973906432> 💣 🕋
✈ 🕋 🕋
If sweden ever starts military action i know where im going
@Deleted User what should we do with Sweden?
glass it
how do they just sit there and watch their country be molested by sand fucks, its awful. The fact that the entire country is eternally cucked, watching sand kikes kill doggos wants me to book a flight
Cause they have no control over it. All they can do is bend over and take it while the Jewish hyenas look over their shoulder and say "You're next"
my dudes
can we not have a swatstika as the image?
crazy thought but i opened this at school and boy oh boy i saw it before anyone else did
okay hold on
@SaucyRossy there you go
it's still there