Message from @JackH670
Discord ID: 598796202909368330
No lmao
jack what u and anubis do in your spare time the rest of us dont need to know about
for science
I'll do it
@Krisemann if you want
yes please
there you go
Jack, show Anubis your face
That is so early 2000s
this gamer tag is the only one powerful enough for me
Sometimes I change my name to edgy stuff but I get banned from other servers that I don't post in imao
I aint showing unhinged Anubis anything
Cept your pp
Jack u put your pp away
Show me the P
If you need anything, Anubis will do it for you.
Anubis, show us your biceps
I hate /r9k/ so fucking much
perfect girl ^^^
Robots are broken
Article 13 time
my fav waifu would have to endure beatings all day while making my dinner
Yo type so I can screencap your username for the lols
does article 13 still trigger that shit pic