Message from @Anubis
Discord ID: 598796693324038185
perfect girl ^^^
Robots are broken
Article 13 time
my fav waifu would have to endure beatings all day while making my dinner
Yo type so I can screencap your username for the lols
does article 13 still trigger that shit pic
@Krisemann domestic abuse funny haha
lmfao, there you go
Got it
@robert from kinoplex shut the fuck up before i beat your feminine ass
article 13
the absolute state of r9k
someone shop a barney face on her
Do you people not remember what happened the last time art-icle 13 got spammed <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
Despite making up 13 % of the articles
fartpickle 13
Rickpickle 13!
we need another gamergate
and fast
Beat me too it
@Samaritan bitch fgt
Faster than the speed of stupid!
we need another fucking gamergate
It's all that wanking