Message from @Muten
Discord ID: 606090030368161793
Call the fucking Guardian and have me lynched
>Black man calls for the taxation of non whites
>carl benjamin supports
>Local Man calls for the taxation of foreign oligarchs purchase of lands in his nation
>He's racist
I like how PEP was so triggered by national borders of the UK
he fucking ran
what happens in a world where humanoid androids can do anything a human can... i.e. farm, deliver produce, build properties, fix plumbing/electricity/etc ?
the only jobs left will be "youtubers"
we fucking keep them in slave labour till the day they rust
it's already in its place
the grave
Nah youtube is purest capitalism
A ruling class of Humans lording over Robots is the future
jesus christ i worry for your hammers
you talk to them dont you
dress them and arrange them in a parade
sick fuck
I can't wait to be the Lord of Casterly Rock, Whipping my robotic slaves as they prepare my space ship to Mars
Why would you need to whip them?
unless they get robots to create and manage a socialist paradise. then we'll have Terminator.
being this cucked you have to pretend you can abuse inanimate objects
if they can feel pain
they will revolt
That's a risk I'm willing to take
androids could easily be programmed with sensors to detect "pain"
Because it's better that way
it could be a defense mechanism to protect itself
yeah but make it a defense method not actual pain
Can't program pleasure without pain.