Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)
Discord ID: 608411505679007786
dana seeks Mikey out for motivation
im hoping if im more homophobic ill be less gay
mikey leaves kekistan and dana follows him here
Danielle it is, then
you want to be a girl
i wish i was a trap
Dana, you tell me too much sometimes, but it's okay, I'll keep all but that a secret
im just the wannbe ugly fat guy who goes uwu
"oh you were so much better than the local preist mikey..."
Dana just needs a friend tbh
The bullying was probably going to send him over the edge and that's no good
most likely, people like dana though so
Well, I'm against people that wants to censor the internet.
i havent even really left teh house in weeks
you should walk..
you dont like people
just walk alone if you have to
it's healthy
be amongst nature
He lives in Scotland. Even nature will stab him.
why does this server have so many neets lol
scotland's coat of arms includes a thistle
so go figure
I'll take Dana on a walk
not sure he wants to see that sort of wood mikey
i like going on walks but i dont have any good way to listen to music
no headphones for your phone?
no i just mean i dont have any music downloaded really
I'll send up my Walkman