Message from @Spooky Melon
Discord ID: 598763340084543489
Purge them all
Huh? What was deleted?
So no one metoo's us by saying this guy said so and so ten years ago in discord
Cleansing fire
so what is up with the purge?
a regular thing?
monthly, apparently
So who said the Rape on Nanking happened exactly?
Was it the same China that says nothing happened at Tiananmen Square in 1989?
Ergo there were no gas chambers.
Checkmate Mossad
Like all I'm saying is a lot of the gas chambers only seem to have occurred in the Soviet occupied territory and the door do open on the inside.
Like all I'm saying is us stupid goyim are being told to trust the communist on what the facts are.
🌶 🌶
Aye. The emperor protects by cleansing this discord with fire regularly.
With Holy Promethium!
A sad state of affairs that such a waste of the Holy fire is needed, but alas.... Such is clown world
Don't ask for whom the clown honk...
"Pigs are more equal! Pigs are more equal!"
that cant be real
that is beyond clown world