Message from @ETBrooD
Discord ID: 598936645726765128
The great titan bababooey
"[...] his confused notions of socialism can be read in The Lion and the Unicorn (1941) [...]"
"Orwell describes the Labour Party as “socialist” and continues in the same paragraph to describe, quite accurately, why it is not and cannot be socialist."
>Orwell was a socialist
>Orwell didn't understand socialism
>Surprised Pikachu face
He is gone, but like a cancer he will regrow and strike back with more than before, prepare thy sphincters
I’m scared
Are we going to die?
This is what happens when you debunk every single hero someone has
He loves to use Orwell's "socialist viewpoints" as a shield to claim that Orwell supported socialism. So proving that *other socialists* criticize Orwell's view of socialism fucks with his narrative
Orwell had a massive misunderstanding of what Socialism was and to say he was one in anything but name is like saying Tommy is Far Right because he founded the EDL
Orwell wrote for the socialist book club
I got Bababootlicker last night when I posted the full quote from Karl Popper when he posted the half quoted comic
The far right is evil, because all evil is far right. Since Tommy is evil, therefore he is far right.
Tommy cares about Britain, that's very evil
<:hypersmugon:544638648721604608> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>
i hope trump gives him political asylum here
What good person loves their country? Makes no sense
Tommy is english hitler
tommy gona get passed around for a pack of cigarettes and a snickers bar by muslim rape gangs oof
And he's back
Oh noes, he recovered from the last blow
@HunDread wHAT
churchill said that he wanted a english hitler
all because he wanted to fuck with a trial
he didnt fuck with a trial
fuckin dent head
he was reporting
Correction: all because he wanted a fair trial