Message from @RCO Nick-TX
Discord ID: 330059546267746304
Someone with the same name? Not sure how we'd verify
Or was he a suspect and exonerated
@Zyklonius B Gassem-LA could be him but history is history
Uh what?
Dude that's some seriously fucked up shit
Whether it's him or not we shouldn't be tolerating nigger tier behavior
The same way we don't tolerate sodomite
I had to check and see if I was even in the Vanguard channel
He isn't a member
I understand but he's at a lot of events that Vanguard would be at
But if it's not our concern then whatever
There was two, and he was very valuable in setting things up with the event coordinators for those. They were not our events to decide who was or was not going or helping.
Look I understand that it may just be someone who has the same name and the fact he's not in jail indicates he wasn't convicted
But it appears to me that that sort of behavior is tolerated as long as he's helping Vanguard and associated idiological groups? I find that to be pretty shit tbh
If I'm misinterpreting what you're saying then just say so. I hope I am
He's not helping us, he's involved with local groups that we are involved with. There are no direct ties between us and him.
We have distanced ourselves in the past from him because of this. We are aware of his past and the complications it brings.
Well most of the time he just shows up and does his own thing.
What's the official stance on IE? I thought we shunned them due to Damigo's equivalent nigger behavior but go to things like CVille 1 and 2 solely because of the size and in attempts to recruit
We haven't shunned IE. We work with them loosely and have no real concrete ties or agreements.
Our DC guys are on good terms with their guys. Outside of that pretty minimal contact. This is still an edgy movement and you're going to get people on the edges of society although things are rapidly changing.
"This" as in being far right or alt right?
This as in VA
WN in general
We inculcate ourselves by having the standards we do. That doesn't mean the wider movement doesn't have folks with unsavory pasts
F to pay respects
This post is going to cause some butthurt.
Wonderful well take back our land from the jews and undesirables
Canada's police
I get off work, come home. Sit and relax to unwind and what do I see?
BEING FUCKING NIGGERS. I'm pretty fucking aggravated today. Goddamnit just what the fuck are we waiting on to exterminate some of the vile creatures