Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 332019634683248661
Except I agree, a little less vape maybe
Call them sandniggers
or dune coons
Hey I've got a guy who might join Vanguard who wants to help out with the CNN offensive
or jigabduls
We dont use slurs
only problem is
I do
he's under 18 like me
That's a hard no bro
Not publicly and not in relation to us you don't @Ronny TX
Let me tell Thomas about this kiddo
There are no age exeptions to the rule
We might make a special neet division in the future he can participate in
maybe have him work with @Graham until 18?
But he cannot be an actual member until he's 18
It's ok I know how to let him work with us on the CNN deal until he can join
there's no age req to dox people
add some american stuff to it
McDonald's logo incoming
What was the original one that caused trouble?
No not that one
It was a long time ago and we don't have the files and the person who made it isnt a part of the group anymore
*kai*nda a sperg tbh
And did I read correctly that we aren't allowed to use the term Saracen?
Cause if so then sheeeiiit
saracen is fine
Okay good. I made a sign that said Saracens Go Home and just left it in a Muslim neighborhood instead of a mosque
Didn't want to have to go back and get it
I used to call them sand niggers, but that's offensive. I now say "dune coon." Or Sand African-American.
Sedimentary Africans
@Thomas Ryan pretty sure I have the original poster on my phone
Explosive Americans
Anyways, I do indeed have the original file