Message from @RCO Nick-TX
Discord ID: 321287896994938880
My gf's brother apparently has a lot of friends with Kekistani flags. /our goys/?
I mean, its better than normie
its basic /pol/ tier, but they're getting there
We cracked open some 🅱osters today
That looks fantastic
Qatar is going to be getting bombed by morning probably
Why? I haven't been keeping up with events because camping
Saudi Arabia and Egypt allied up, and Saudis shut the borders down, along with alot more shit @Nathan TX
World war 3
Ehh, is qatar even relevant?
Story is up
When you drive an extra 30 minutes just so you can go to a DPS in the country that's not crowded with niggers
Just urban things
Aaaaand then a Shaniqua shows up
@Tedium You're going to Houston, right?
Reddit is so gay lol
Well I got the ONE nigger working at the DPS office and of course she was acting like a total bitch
Nigger government employees are the fucking worst
@Nathan TX good luck
wiccans ^^
>nigger govt employees
No need to repeat yourself fam
>god left
Sometimes I think this is hell
And we are the eternal damn
There are those that believe Christ already returned and we are living through the tribulation currently. The concept of the rapture and Christ coming in the future is only about 150 years old.
ragnarok should just already and happen ffs