Message from @Chris7577TX
Discord ID: 326522449455742996
How did you hear about VA Kevin? Just curious as to what is reaching out to people.
Stormfront, I believe, a bit of a rarity but we're happy he's here nonetheless.
Kevin get in touch with @Stephen -FL @clayshooter99 GA @God @esgee
And see if you can't schedule a meetup. Even if it's just burgers.
Yea it was stormfront non member there but i was scanning over some posts and saw a link so i checked it out
and for sure im ready to get active
Welcome @Kevin FL
Hmm. Stormfront and Florida usually = retiree. You're under 70 correct?
Hello there Kevin.
Yes lmao under 70
I'm kidding man.
let me know if I can help you out
They didn't get our fucking name right.
be back in a bit guys
Sound the goddamn alarms.
I feel lied to. I feel betrayed.
A group of Nazis held a peaceful and good looking rally.
Today, brothers, the side of hate won.
I talked to that faggy looking bartender and he wasn't even mad about it. He was entertained and liked how we tipped.
American vanguard
Just change our name to AVVA.
I get a grey hair every time someone gets our name wrong. I'll look like Azzmador by this time next year.
Lol poor Thomas
Thomas will be in the grave
That article. Restaurant could have just asked us to leave and we would have. I don't blame them if they felt scared to
I love articles like that. Free publicity.
We probably made them more money and tipped them better than any group the normally have. They're in Austin so they have to disavow
So how did the Austin event go?
It was excellent
It seriously couldn't have gone much better
Sounds like Red Guard and RSF were a total no-show?
Maybe the May dox took a bit of wind out of their sails.
Not a single commie seen
Well Enoch and Sacco were texting them Saturday and like 4 showed up Sat night on 6th and got BTFOd
@BraeJager TX We almost had a putsch!
dude it sounds like it