Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 403628232316026902
if you wanna add excesorie movments feel free but generely worry about squating more , benching more, ohping more, deDLIFTING MORE
if you get you core lifts up your gonna get bigger
Agree with shyguy, barbel excercises 3xweek with _consistentcy_ and slow increases will get you results. All you make your body strong and good looking is 3-4 excercises and that is it.
Daily reminder to stress the importance of form and focus on your dead lifts - I was rushing through a lift and herniated a disc, wasn't even going too crazy with the weight. Now I can't lift at all for a while. The mental aspect is just as important as the physical, so don't compromise on either or injuries are bound to happen.
That's rough. Hopefully you have a speedy recovery. @Steve - NJ
@Steve - NJ take it easy brother
Also don't use fabric/Velcro weight belts. Use the sturdy leather ones. Better support there.
It's probably a no-brainer for most of you guys but I wasn't aware of that til it was too late
Sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quickly. What do you think the cause was? Weak core, not resetting at the bottom/touch and go, too much weight, hitching?
So it happened when I was doing 315, which I've rapped plenty of times in the past. I've been able to get sets of 405 in where I can do ~5 reps each. So the day I got injured I was warming up with 225 and I felt *great* so I was like "OK 315 is gonna be a breeze" so I just rushed it and went to full extension too quick and felt my spine shift from within my belt and it HURT. My adrenaline was going so I was able to re-rack and go home but I could barely move when the adrenaline wore off
I wear the belt tight too when I go just to be safe
@Steve - NJ sorry to hear that, brother. Once you're recovered, you'll be back at that weight in no time. I had a buddy who completely blew out his knee and couldn't squat for 8 months. Once he recovered fully he ended up hitting a 20lb meet PR after only 8 weeks of training
I prob could do light stuff for now but it seems like whenever I take a long break anyways I come back better than before. Which sounds counterintuitive but just seems to work out that way. Moral of the story is don't be stupid and assume you're invincible.
@Steve - NJ did you brace your abs against your belt on the set where you got hurt? Ive found thats a pretty good way to limit the pressure on your back during deadlift
I probably took pressure off since I was going quick and left an opening for my back to give
one of you mentioned touch and go opposed to resetting every rep
I actually seem to have better form and stretch in my hamstrings when I do touch and go!
my first reps is usually my hardest, but from there it gets far easier
So, your first rep when you don't bounce the weight off the floor is harder then the subsequent reps when you do.... hmmm, tell us more. 😃
it just turns into a kind of rdl and its easier to engage my hamstrings
So you weight nerds...where to bring the bar on my bench press? When I bring it down directly across my pecs, I feel nasty tweaking in my delts. So I usually bring it down about three inches below my nipples. I feel like that engages my chest more and my shoulders less. Is that okay?
Like, right at the base of my sternum. @Deleted User ?
Thanks @The Huwhyte Ulf - VA watching now and liking the music
Alan Thrall is a monster
That's about where I go but it depends if I'm doing dbells, I go a bit higher with dumbbells
He has several other videos. Good source for form and he's updated some of his videos as he learns better form etc.
Aye though DB press is a bit lighter
My form has my tris tucked in and it naturally flows to the sternum
Granted, at highest weight that control is questionable
I was going to say to tuck your elbows a little more to get more triceps than deltoids.
Bench wobbles TAKE YOU TO THE TOP
(Don't do this)
My shoulder starts to pop when I do heavier weight. But mainly on incline.
I usually keep my feet on the bench and my head hanging off the bench when I press @Deleted User. I heard thats the safest.
My shoulders always wanna get involved at max, you must train them to serve and not take over
Oh my god