Message from @Tapani
Discord ID: 485561838596128768
but the white race is superior
germans were superior to all others
depends on which white person you're talking about
especially slavs
hitler wanted jewish fuckery removed
slavs are a language group tho
not a race
White supremacy is a new world thing. Europeans wouldn't call themselves white supremacists because they are racially distinct though all white. The "white race" is an amalgamation of all the seperate European races
Fucking Americans
Im an Euro tho
the white race in american terms refers to strictly aryans
slavs are not in the white race
slavs are aryan
hitler disagreed
east of poland is subhuman lol
there are documents from the third reich calling ukranians "ukranian-aryan" for example
"6. No [insert European country] aren't white discussions"
Some 5 furries joined
nobody here is a furry lol
Hman is a slav confirmed
dabbed on me
Respect the rules of the house you enter.
Hman is a bosniak 😤
how the fuck are we furries
deutschland je srbija
never forget srebrenica
fucking serbs
good evening
damn these are some good ass emojis
<:rockwell_think:449213130472423444> rockwell is the best imo